Sunday, October 29, 2006

Apple sauce

Tonight Allie and I made some apple sauce and carved pumpkins. Not quite as many pumpkins as I'm used to carving at home, but it was satisfying.

Here we are in the midst of peeling and coring apples. I've taught Allie how to make apple sauce and she just loves it! And a good thing too, because we made a ton!


Anonymous said...

ha ha...did you guys plan on wearing matching colors? ;) Is that her kitchen?? Looks so nice! How fun to make applesauce too. Reminds me of my days on Hideaway Lane.

Wendy said...

Well, I have to say, we didn't plan on wearing the same colored tops. And the applesauce is not any better becaues of it!! :)

Anonymous said...

We need some more're the last weeks in the East??