Friday, October 08, 2010

Camping at Wallawa Lake

Our big camping trip of the season was the last weekend in August. We drove all the way over to Joseph, Oregon; about a 6-8 hour drive and it was well worth it. Went with my wonderful husband, my mom and my sis and her family.
I know, the picture below is a little strange. What is that animal doing in the teepee?? That is exactly what we thought. It was just sitting there, very comfortable. They were some very crazy deer, way too people friendly. They would come right into the campsites and just stand there. Very strange.

Swimming in the lake, me, Jeremiah and Monty! And here at the campsite, Noah, Brian and Jeremiah.

My mom cooking, and my sister and her youngest, Gwyn. Cute pics huh?

Brian napping, he unfortunately came down with a bug for a full day, ate some bad food I think; hard to imagine I know, but he does eat whatever he can get his hands on. Below we have Isaac and the fire, a much loved attraction to the boys.

Isaac and Monty.

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