Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just how many eagle pictures do you want to see??

Rachel and I tried really hard to capture as many eagles in one picture as we could. It wasn't that difficult. There were hundreds, last year the count was 3500 eagles. Don't ask me how they managed to count though.

Not really sure why this eagle decided to climp up the bank right in front of us, but it was fun to get close.
Here's a random shot of Rachel and I in front of some more, yes, more beautiful mountains.

Going in for a landing!

Three eagles all fighting over a fish. Silly huh?

Here is a juvenile eagle flying by. This one is probably about 3 or 4 years old and will soon gain his white head and tail by age 5.

Here is my attempt to see the Northern Lights. It was very low probability that night, but we stayed out late just in case. The stars were extra pretty and bright. The picture captured something in the horizon. Not sure if it was the Northern Lights or not, but maybe because there isn't a city that direction to light up the sky like that. I did get the big dipper in the shot though!


Sarah said...

These pictures are awesome Wendylyn!! So cool. Are you sad to be leaving in a month? I miss you & Love ya!!

Unknown said...

Wendy Welstad whats happening!!! Hey your pictures are amazing. Are you coming home for Christmas time? If so I can't wait to see you! Hey I put a link on my new blog to your blog! My blog is if you want to see it! I miss you, later on!
