Sunday, December 07, 2008

Operation Proposal

Here is the link to the website for an awesome video of what happened on December 6, 2008.
Once you get to the web page, go to the video named Brian's Proposal.
Or check out YouTube and search for this exactly: Brian's Proposal-Large.m4v
and you will find what you need to watch!!


Elia said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! That made me cry. CONGRATS!! I can't even believe it. WOAH. Sorry I missed your call! I'll try you tonight. Miss you and love you and I'm excited for you guys!

Janelle said...

I love the video!! The new floor looks awesome! It was kind of funny to see some familiar faces from the nurses that were there! Brian was very creative, I liked his idea. I'm so excited for you!! I'm sure you are still on cloud nine, but once you get down you should call me :) Love you!

TnT said...

YAYYY!!!!!! Wendy I am soooo happy for you!!! I totally cried watching your video! I love you so much and am thrilled to welcome Brian to the fam!!

My vote is that you get married in California!! hahaha!

Love, Trisha

Unknown said...

Wendy! Congratulations I just watched the video and it was amazing. I'm so happy for you two. Christina and I love you very much, and we're glad Brian is going to be part of the family. Make sure he stays caught up on his theological readings, the hard questions are coming soon! Just kidding, but that was pretty funny. I can't wait to see you soon, Later.

Candice said...

I came across your blog by accident, but I am from Juneau too. I started reading and it's so interesting! I met Brian when he was in the 4th grade or so, I worked in his after school program he went to. Such a small world.
Congratulations to you both!