A nght for a wedding and the first snow of the season. Two inches last night!! Wow, it seems so early. And as it was snowing I was quite happy because snow is less wet than rain and much prettier. And I even took a picture of my car with the snow on it to put on my blog...Not knowing that minutes later I would have a squished front end...

Ahh, this is what happens when sliding into a guard rail. :) God took care of me, no one was hurt, wounded, no other cars involved and the guard rail kept us from going into some water. :) Ha, and I was able to drive my car home. Actually, I didn't drive after smashing into the rail, I made Brian drive. Another blessing today, just started dog-sitting and they graciously are letting me drive their cars for the next two weeks until they get back or mine is fixed. And getting things fixed in Juneau could take a long time...
Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...
Sorry about your beautiful car!
Hope it gets fixed soon.
Excited to see you!
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