We went snowboarding at Eaglecrest on Monday, here is the view from the lift. It is a pretty nice place to ski/snowboard. A bit smaller than mountains down south, but much cheaper and I never have to wait in line for the lift! Brian has been snowboarding since he was 8, so he is quite a bit better than I am. But we have fun. I do tend to get a little frustrated at myself sometimes...especially when I'm trying to show off. :)

The last time I tried to take a camera up the lift it was 0 degrees out and the batteries were too cold to work! This day I was smart and kept the camera warmer!

Here are some pics from a day Brian went and it was gorgeous outside. The picture above is looking back towards Juneau, to the east. Looking down the mountain and the lift. The pictures below is looking west, to the other side of Douglas Island. Eaglecrest is on the island right off the main land. Pretty nice view huh?

Cute pic of you and Brian! :) I'm sorry we haven't talked but I'm happy to report I'm free all week. Any openings in your schedule? :) I love you much friend and hopefully we can talk soon. Also...looks like you fit in AK so well! What AWESOME adventures!
Hey Wendy! Looks like you are having a great time! And who is this Brian??? We miss you back in Salem but are thrilled you are having such a great experiance!
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