Welcome to Las Vegas, a trip with Brian's family. It was Sarah's 21st birthday and mine was a week prior. Thanks Karen for getting us all there!! To start it off was a jelly bean statue of liberty.

Wandering down the strip with Brian and who should we run into but Chrys and her new husband Terry from JUNEAU, Alaska!! Wow. On their honeymoon also. That was fun to see them and talk to them for a few minutes.

Into the Venetian!! Just like you are stepping into Italy. We were headed to dinner and then THe Blue Man Group!

Sarah and Rodd with a Blue Man.

Karen, me and Brian in front of the Sphinx, or the Luxor Hotel/Casino. Funny because the Sphinx is in Cairo and not Luxor, thanks Emily for living in Egypt so I could go there!

The Aquarium at Mandalay Bay Casino, pretty fun to watch sharks swim all around you.

You determine the look on Brian's face. I think he looks like he is confused, but some think he was bored. We didn't do too well on these machines, won a few dollars, lost a few dollars. Not successful.

The Price is Right!! The Las Vegas edition. Sadly, none of our group got to go up front.

From the left, Rodd (Sarah's boyfriend), Sarah, Karen, and Brian.

New York, New York, and yes we did go on the roller coaster. It was pretty awesome. Sarah screamed at the top of her lungs the whole ride. I wasn't quite sure if I should laugh at her or be frightened for her. :) But we all made it through.

The Excaliber Casino and Hotel. Amazing looking, like they all do!! Vegas is eye candy. Have I mentioned that before??

Inside Paris! casino, yes this in inside...Pretty cool looking.

Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat at the Mirage is also a fun place to visit. And the weather wasn't too hot, so all the big cats were moving around some. Except for the big tigers, they were lazy, lazy. Sleeping away.

Brian just loves llamas. I had to take this for him.

The lions were just huge! So amazing to see them up so close and have them be so active for once!!

Plus there were two new tiger cubs. We had a blast watching them play with a pumpkin and fight/play with each other. Even got to hear a few growls! Yikes! Not quite so cute when they sound so large and mean!!

The fountain at The Bellagio is by far my favorite thing in Vegas. It is free to watch, occurs every 30 minutes or so and lasts for abotu 2-3 minutes with a few select songs. The first song we say was The Pink Panther song and was awesome!!
Lions at the MGM casino, another FREE thing to do in Vegas!!

Red Rock Canyon, Thanks to our friend Chrys, she told us about this place, only 20 minutes from Vegas! Ahh, what a nice QUIET place to go after being on the strip.

Brian, trying his hand at rock climbing...

I always seem to catch Brian napping somewhere. And the moon just happened to be out and in the right spot.

Last night on the strip! One more picture of the craziness! Overall it was a fun trip, but probably not one we will duplicate again in the near future. Vegas is an overwhelming city of ways to serve yourself. It's all about YOU in Vegas.