Up to Anchorage to visit our friends, Karla and Dave for a few days, and then up to Denali National Park 5 hours north of Anchorage. Here is a view of Anchorage from a distance, from Tabletop Mountain.

We drove up to Denali and found our first campsite. Then the next day took a bus into the main part of the national park. Denali N.P. does not let private vehicles drive on the 85 mile road. So, visitors have to ride a bus in and out.

Here we are, at one of our first awesome views of the mountain, Denali also known as Mt.McKinley.

The second night inside the national park we camped at Wonder Lake, which is about 25 miles north of the mountain. Usually has an amazing view of Denali, but because of wildfires in the interior, it was so smoky you couldn't see more than a few football fields. But, luckily the smoke hung out in certain spots and as we drove back out the next day we were able to get another amazing view. Blue skies around Denali are not often seen in the park, so we really lucked out.

It was a lot of fun to go farther up north and see a bit more of Alaska. Along with the ground squirrels and caribou we saw a grizzly and two cubs, a coyote, and a few moose. Great weather and too many other people.