Saturday was a "nice" day here in Juneau. It didn't rain the whole day and I even saw some blue skies and sunshine!! Hiking Mt Juneau had been the plan for the day, but things changed, I went to garage sales (and bought a practically new Kitchen Aid for only $75) and then Paul, Brian and I went biking.

If you look really hard you can see the Herbert Glacier in the background. The white in the middle of the picture. We biked out to Boyscout Beach and then did a good five mile or so to Herbert Glacier.

Yes, I took this while riding. :) Good balance practice.

Here is the glacier up close, although we are unable to get much closer due to a raging river in the way!

Can you all see the fall colors in Alaska?? Not much, but it does make me happy to see some yellow leaves. Makes me remember my fall in Vermont only two years ago.