Today was a quick trip to Boston. My friend Allie was picking up two friends at the airport and there is an awesome exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science right now that we all wanted to go to. So after the airport we headed to the museum and entered the world of Plastination, which is the chemistry of body preservation.

Multiple skeletons, internal organs, nerves, muscles, fetus and mother, and much more on display. All bodies donated and preserved and then put on display in new, unique positions in order to see what certain muscles or joints do during things like basketball, ballet, swinging a baseball bat, sitting and more. It also had a great display of organs infested with cancer, tumors, hemmorhages, or completely healthy. There was even a huge camel on display. I really wanted to take pictures, but of course, it was against the rules. So, here is a little picture of the brocure for you all to see. All real stuff, not fake, just preserved very well and invented by a Dr. Gunther von Hagens.